Tuesday, January 4, 2011

French Onion Soup with Cheesy Bruscheta

Last week I was at the airport and for the first time ever wasn't in a rush to get to my next flight, so my husband & I ate at one of those sit-down terminal restaurants. I don't remember it's name, but it was french-themed. I ordered a bowl of french onion soup to go with my veggie panini. The soup was really good. I think I've only had onion soup a few other times and probably rarely home-made. I remembered seeing a recipe for it in my slow cooker book, but had been waiting to get a bunch of onions from my garden or grub box. That didn't happen this fall, so I never made it. So yesterday, I got a bag of sweet Vidalia onions from the grocery store & started slicing.

The recipe was super easy. I prepped the onions last night which only took me 10 or so minutes. And then this morning added them & olive oil to the slow cooker, set it to low & went off to work. Ten hours later, I added veggie broth & brandy to the fully caramelized onions. While it all got warmed together, I made cheesy bread in the toaster oven. Then served the soup with the bread on top, squishing it down in the bowl if need be to soak up the hot soup. The whole household enjoyed it. There were some onions that were a little past caramelized along one section of the slow cooker's bottom - maybe stirring it towards the end of the cooking would avoid that, not sure. Next time I think I would add some mushrooms to caramelize with the onions for a little more flavor. And serve with a green salad. I would definitely make this one again!

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