Monday, April 26, 2010

Maple-Almond Granola with Cranberries and Dates

I found my notes from a few months ago when I tried out the granola recipe. I had a cold that week, so they don't totally make sense, but here goes. Some almonds were definitely kinda burnt. It didn't really taste burnt, but some of the sliced almonds were really hard & made a "scary cracking noise against my teeth." The book doesn't really tell you how often to stir, but I think it would have been better to stir every 15 minutes. I tried to do that, but didn't want to get out from under the blanket on the couch, so sometimes it was more like 25-30. I was going for crunchy though because lots of other efforts in the oven have been more chewy.

My housemates & I tried to figure out if it was cheaper to make our own granola then buy it from the bulk bins at the grocery store. So far it seems to be cheaper to buy it even with getting a 25 lb bag of oats from the natural food distributor. Mostly because maple syrup is so expensive. But I want to make it and have it be a good deal, so I will have to experiment on sweetener - honey, agave nectar, molasses.

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