Monday, April 26, 2010

Indian Cauliflower and Kidney Bean Stew with Coconut Milk

My sister prepped & made this dish for our dinner. It was perfect comfort food after a tiring Monday at work and a trip to the gym. My husband came home and immediately said "It smells good in here" before he had even shut the garage door. We ate it over brown rice and used a whole can of coconut milk instead of just one 1 cup 'cause -- why wouldn't you? Didn't drain the tomatoes either. It was pretty sweet from the cardamom & allspice, but the savory spices & beans & variety of veggies evened it out. You can totally add a larger amount of potatoes & cauliflower if you have a 6-quart cooker and add in the extra liquid. Then you'll have more leftovers!

Something that came up over dinner - the crockpot smell. First you smell the dish you are making and then there is always the underlying same smell, not sure what it smells like. It kinda made me think of my mom cooking potroast in her slow cooker back in the day. But it doesn't quite smell like meat, just hours & hours of cooking. We'll see if it keeps coming up.

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